126 research outputs found

    Croatian demographic losses in 20th century

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    Rad se bavi hrvatskim demografskim gubicima u 20. stoljeću. Analizirani su svi ratovi u kojima je Hrvatska sudjelovala te današnje stanje. Navedene su i moguće revitalizacijske mjere kojima bi se Hrvatska mogla izvući iz demografske krize u kojoj se danas nalazi.This paper deals with Croatian demographic losses in 20th century. All the wars in which Croatia participed have beed analyzed and also today's state. There are also possible revitalization measures that could bring Croatia out of the demographic crisis in which it is today

    Modelling of granulation processes

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    Ovaj rad je svojevrsni studij i sažet pregled postojećih pristupa modeliranja procesa granuliranja. Sagledani su modeli uvećanja procesa granuliranja odnosno procedure koje se provode s ciljem pravilnog odabira onih makroskopskih svojstava koja će u granulatoru većih dimenzija (pilot i/ili komercijalnom) rezultirati željenim svojstvima kolektiva granula, istovjetnim onima već dobivenim u malim (laboratorijskim) granulatorima. Dodatno, razmatrani su pristupi kojima se danas modeliraju procesi fizičke pretvorbe tvari granuliranjem. Pri razmatranju modela za simuliranje odziva partikulskog procesa granuliranja posebna pažnja usmjerena je k primjeni mehanističkog pristupa konceptom populacijske bilance. Proces fizičke pretvorbe nanostrukturirane tvari TiO2 u kolektiv pogodnijeg stanja disperznosti modeliran je mehanističkim pristupom, primjenom populacijske bilance. Pristup modeliranja populacijskom bilancom u ovome radu podrazumijeva ispitivanje mogućnosti primjene 1-D populacijske bilance u diskretiziranom obliku te Size-Independent Kernel (SIK) modela koalescencije u predviđanju stvarnih promjena u svojstvu partikulskog sustava (raspodjeli veličina čestica) tijekom procesa granuliranja. Modeliranje procesa granuliranja ostvareno je primjenom sekvencijalne procedure. Dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni su s onima dobivenim prethodnim istraživanjem, ostvarenim primjenom nesekvencijalne procedure modeliranja. Primijenjeni pristup može ukazati na zastupljenost pojedinih mehanizama u procesu granuliranja. Metodom optimizacije, očitovanom u minimiziranju ukupne sume kvadrata odstupanja, procijenjen je karakterističan procesni parametar, konstanta brzine koalescencije. Time je, za sekvencijalan pristup, kvantificirana kinetika fizičke pretvorbe nanostrukturirane tvari TiO2 u stohastičkom okruženju fluidiziranog sloja.This thesis is a kind of study and concise overview of present approaches for modelling granulation processes. Scrutinized are models for scaling the granulation process, in fact the procedures that are lead for the purpose of right selection of the macroscopic properties for the operation of a larger scale granulator (pilot and/or commercial) that will result in targeted collective attributes, identical to those that are gained in a small scale granulators (laboratory ones). Additionally, considered are approaches that are nowadays modelling tools for processes of physical conversion of substance by granulation. In analyzing the models for simulating the outcome of the particulate process of granulation, focus is given to the usage of mechanistic approach by concept of population balance. Process of physical conversion of TiO2 nanostructured substance in a collective of a more appropriate dispersity state is modelled with mechanistic approach using population balance. In this thesis, modelling approach implies testing the applicability of a 1-D discretized population balance with Size-Independent Kernel (SIK) coalescence model for simulating real changes of the property of particulate system (particle size distribution) during granulation process. Modelling of the granulation process is carried out using sequential procedure. Attained results are compared with those of a previous research, brought by using non-sequential modelling procedure. Used approach might indicate the contributions of underlying mechanisms in the granulation process. By optimization method, that connotes minimizing the overall sum of squared errors, characteristic process parameter, coalescence rate constant is estimated. Thus, for the sequential approach, kinetic of physical conversion of TiO2 nanostructured substance in a stochastic fluid-bed environment is quantified

    Uncertain Demographic Future of Croatia – Dying Out and Substitution or Revitalization of Population...?

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    Temeljni cilj i svrha rada jest potvrditi nemogućnost revitalizacije bez ozbiljne, odgovorne i ciljane populacijske politike, procijeniti demografski revitalizacijski potencijal (koji uza sve negativnosti demografske slike Hrvatske još uvijek postoji) i postaviti demografsku problematiku u temelj razvoja i opstanka suvremene Hrvatske. Sve su analize potvrdile izrazitu negativnost svih parametara i nemogućnost zaustavljanja negativnih procesa bez ozbiljnije intervencije države stimulativnom populacijskom politikom i uključivanjem hrvatske dijaspore u gospodarske, političke i revitalizacijske procese u zemlji. Metodologijski je pristup usmjeren samo na osnovne sadržaje, procese, veze i odnose, kako bi se kroz njih pokazala dramatičnost vremena i stanja u kojem se Hrvatska nalazi. Posebno su primjenjivane spoznaje o zakonitostima što ih stanovništvo razvija u prostoru. Najvažniji rezultat razmatranja problematike jest spoznaja kako Hrvatska, usprkos dugogodišnjim negativnim trendovima svih demografskih procesa, još uvijek ima demografski potencijal u zemlji, a posebno u dijaspori, i može poticajnom populacijskom politikom zaustaviti izumiranje i naglo starenje ukupne populacije te pokrenuti revitalizaciju svojega stanovništva u interesu gospodarskoga razvoja i vlastite budućnosti.The main objective and purpose of this study is to confirm the impossibility of revitalization without a serious, responsible and focused population policy, to assess the potential for revitalization (which still exists, despite many negative aspects of the Croatian demographic situation) and to place the issue of demographics within the foundations of the development and survival of contemporary Croatia. All analyses have confirmed a significant negative trend in all parameters and the impossibility of stopping negative processes without a serious intervention of the State, through stimulative population policy and the participation of Croatian immigration in economic, political and revitalization processes in the country. The methodological approach within the framework of standard demographic norms is focused exclusively on basic content, processes and relationships so as to project through these factors the dramatic state Croatia is currently in. Knowledge on spatial norms developed in space by the population has been applied in particular, taking into consideration the situation on state and regional levels. The most important result of the analysis is that Croatia, despite longtime negative trends in all demographic processes, still carries demographic potential on a national level, particularly in the diaspora and has the ability, through incentives population policy, to stop the dying out and quick aging of the general population and initiate the process of its revitalization, with the aim of economic development and the development of the country\u27s future

    Some Demographic Changes in the Communes of »Zagreb Ring« under the Influence of Zagreb

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    Some quantitative indicators of the population dynamics in 14 communes of Zagreb region (so called »Zagreb Ring«), under the influence of a city are being presented as the subject of article. The author has found the trend of the population dynamics to be under the average in the Central-Croatian macro-region as well as in the whole of Croatia. A total number of inhabitants in those communes has almost been stagnating with the negative migratory balance relatively great. But analysis shows considerable differences among the observed communes: in the communes closer to Zagreb, faster and more favorable development is being observed. Furthermore, there is a considerably faster increase of inhabitants in communal centers with regard to the republic average, and at the same time, a number of inhabitants in villages has been reduced (—6,0%) with negative migratory balance of 9,6%. Great increase in the number of inhabitants living in the suburban communes of Zagreb points at the process of decentralization of some urban functions, what in return renders possible the more rational redistribution of inhabitants in the over-inhabited city area

    Croatian demographic losses in 20th century

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    Rad se bavi hrvatskim demografskim gubicima u 20. stoljeću. Analizirani su svi ratovi u kojima je Hrvatska sudjelovala te današnje stanje. Navedene su i moguće revitalizacijske mjere kojima bi se Hrvatska mogla izvući iz demografske krize u kojoj se danas nalazi.This paper deals with Croatian demographic losses in 20th century. All the wars in which Croatia participed have beed analyzed and also today's state. There are also possible revitalization measures that could bring Croatia out of the demographic crisis in which it is today

    Croatian demographic losses in 20th century

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    Rad se bavi hrvatskim demografskim gubicima u 20. stoljeću. Analizirani su svi ratovi u kojima je Hrvatska sudjelovala te današnje stanje. Navedene su i moguće revitalizacijske mjere kojima bi se Hrvatska mogla izvući iz demografske krize u kojoj se danas nalazi.This paper deals with Croatian demographic losses in 20th century. All the wars in which Croatia participed have beed analyzed and also today's state. There are also possible revitalization measures that could bring Croatia out of the demographic crisis in which it is today

    The Impact Of Demographic Factors On Social And Economic Development Of Croatia

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    Demografski su čimbenici relevantni za određivanje smjera društveno-ekonomskog razvoja. U radu se analizira utjecaj migracija na razvoj, i to obiju vrsta migracija – mehaničkih i prirodnih – kao demografskih pokazatelja. Razvoj će se pratiti putem stope nezaposlenosti koja će biti razdijeljena na populacijske skupine ovisno o njihovu udjelu u ukupnoj nezaposlenosti. Stanje radno sposobnoga kon- tingenta pokazuje se ključnim za daljnji razvoj. Analiza mladih generacija koje tek dolaze u skupinu radno sposobnih promatra se u odnosu na onaj dio stanovništva kojemu je radni vijek pri kraju. Na taj se način jasno vide budući utjecaji demografskih činitelja na društveno-ekonomski razvitak Hrvatske.Demographic factors are relevant factors that define the direction of social and economic develo- pment. This paper aims to specifically analyze the impact of both natural change and migration as demographic indicators of development. This impact will be monitored by means of an unemploymen rate that will be spread over population groups, depending on their share in the total unemployment rate. The condition of the working age population is the key to further development. An analysis of young generations that have just reached the working age group was observed in relation to the share of population approaching the end of their working lives. In this way the future impact of demograp- hic factors on the social and economic development of Croatia is clearly visible

    Calculation of the Optimal Cooling Temperature Profile of the Batch Crystalliser

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    Cilj rada bio je izraditi računalni program koji služi za proračun optimalnog temperaturnog profila hlađenja šaržnog kristalizatora. Kao modelni sustav za istraživanje procesa uzet je kalijev nitrat otopljen u vodi. Za izradu matematičkog modela procesa primijenjene su populacijske bilance, odnosno njihova momentna transformacija. Za dobivanje optimalnog temperaturnog profila primijenjena je diskretizacija temperaturnog profila uz globalni algoritam optimizacije. Za provođenje optimizacije primijenjen je genetički algoritam, dok je sustav običnih diferencijalnih jednadžbi rješavan metodom Runge-Kutta 4,5. Funkcija cilja bila je minimiziranje omjera trećeg momenta sekundarnom nukleacijom nastalih kristala i trećeg momenta kristala cjepiva na kraju procesa. U radu je najprije ispitan utjecaj uvjeta zaustavljanja genetičkog algoritma na vrijeme proračuna i vrijednost funkcije. Nakon što je određen optimalni uvjet zaustavljanja, ispitan je utjecaj broja točaka diskretizacije temperaturnog profila na iznos funkcije cilja i potrebno vrijeme proračuna. Ustanovljeno je da je optimalni uvjet za zaustavljanje proračuna kad petnaest članova generacije imaju funkcije cilja koje se ne razlikuju više od tolerancije. Ustanovljeno je da se optimalno rješenje dobiva podjelom temperaturnog profila na osam dijelova. Da bi se ispitala ponovljivost proračuna za optimalne uvjete, proračun je ponavljan devet puta. Optimalni temperaturni profil uspoređen je s linearnim hlađenjem istog trajanja. Rezultati simulacijskih eksperimenata ukazuju na znatno poboljšanje procesa primjenom optimalnog temperaturnog profila naspram linearnog.The aim of this work was to create a computer program that can be used to calculate the optimal cooling temperature profile of the batch crystalliser. Potassium nitrate dissolved in water was used as a model system for process research. To create a mathematical model of the process, population balances were used, i.e., their moment transformation. To obtain the optimal temperature profile, a discretisation of the temperature profile was performed using a global optimisation algorithm. A genetic algorithm was used for the optimisation, while a system of ordinary differential equations was solved using the Runge-Kutta 4,5 method. The objective function was to minimise the ratio between the third moment of crystals produced by secondary nucleation, and the third moment of seed crystals at the end of the process. Firstly, the influence of the stopping conditions of the genetic algorithm on the computation time and the value of the objective function was tested. After the optimal stopping condition was determined, the influence of the number of discretisation points of the temperature profile on the value of the objective function and the required computation time was investigated. It was found that the optimal stopping condition was when fifteen members of a generation had objective function values that did not differ by more than the tolerance. It is shown that the optimal solution was achieved by dividing the temperature profile into eight parts. To check the repeatability of the calculation for optimal conditions, the calculation was repeated nine times. The optimal temperature profile was compared to a linear cooling of the same duration to determine the benefits of optimisation. The results of the simulation experiments indicate a significant improvement in the process when using the optimal temperature profile compared to the linear profile